Rokland is a Gold Level distributor for RAK Wireless. Please note when comparing to price on RAK web site, RAK price is not inclusive of shipping to USA or 25% import tariffs. When buying from Rokland, items ship from USA so no additional shipping or tariffs apply.
RAKDAP1 is an affordable debug and flash tool to connect your PC to the SWD port. Many RAKwireless products have an SWD port to flash bootloader and application SW. The SWD port is as well used for debugging. RAKDAP1 has an MCU that is programmed with DAPLink.
Product Features
- Debug Tool
- USB interface to the computer
- MSC – drag-n-drop programming flash memory
- CDC – virtual com port for log, trace, and terminal emulation
- HID – CMSIS-DAP compliant debug channel
- WEBUSB HID – CMSIS-DAP compliant debug channel SEO
Product Details
- Product Dimension: 78mm x 23mm x 16mm (LxWxH)
- Product Weight: 14.4g
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